| TOP |

 bind-9 のマルチスレッド設定


  bind-9.12.3 のコンパイル時に「enable-thread」を追加していること

   # ./configure --with-openssl=no --enable-threads --enable-largefile --disable-ipv6 \
     --disable-devpoll --disable-epoll CFLAGS=-m64

   # make ; make install

  named.conf ファイルの「options」内に以下を記述する

   options {
          listen-on { ; ; } ;
   } ;

  bind-9 のBuilt オプションを確認する

   blade150{root}1: named -g -c /tmp/nothre
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.214 starting BIND 9.12.3 <id:6c8e92c>
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.215 running on SunOS sun4u 5.10 Generic_150400-26
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.215 built with '--with-openssl=no''--enable-threads'
                  '--enable-largefile''--disable-ipv6' '--disable-devpoll'
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.215 running as: named -g -c /tmp/nothre
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.216 compiled by GCC 3.4.3(csl-sol210-3_4-branch+sol_rpath)
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.216 compiled with libxml2 version: 2.6.23
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.231 linked to libxml2 version: 20623
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.232 compiled with zlib version: 1.2.8
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.232 linked to zlib version: 1.2.3
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.232 threads support is enabled
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.232 ---------------------------------------------
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.232 BIND 9 is maintained by Internet Systems Consortium,
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.233 Inc. (ISC), a non-profit 501(c)(3) public-benefit
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.233 corporation. Support and training for BIND 9 are
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.233 available at https://www.isc.org/support
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.233 ---------------------------------------------
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.242 found 1 CPU, using 1 worker thread
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.242 using 1 UDP listener per interface
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.268 using up to 65536 sockets
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.470 loading configuration from '/tmp/nothre'
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.471 open: /tmp/nothre: file not found
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.478 loading configuration: file not found
   01-Nov-2018 21:41:31.478 exiting (due to fatal error)
